Tuesday Jun 4, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM EDT
06/04/24 6:00pm-7:15pm
CCSO Headquarters Building 6915 Crain Highway La Plata, MD 20646
Free to the Public, Registration Encouraged
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Teen Court is hosting an Information Session for Parents and Caregivers on June 4th to help provide information on health care options and how to live a healthier life. Presenters from Health Partners Inc. and the Charles County Department of Health will cover medical and dental programs for insured and uninsured as well as the importance of finding joy in each day. It’s never too late to change directions and be a healthier, happier you! All information sessions hosted by Teen Court are free to the public but seating is limited, those interested in participating must RSVP by calling 301-609-3916 or by e-mailing vaughans@ccso.us.