Thursday Aug 8, 2024
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
08 Aug 2024 09:00A - 02:00P
Wicomico Shores Golf Course, 35794 Aviation Yacht Club Rd, Mechanicsville, MD 20659
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Quick Look Details Event Check-In: Starts at 7:30am Shotgun Start: 9:00am Entry Fee: $100/person Players Receive: Swag bag, round of golf and entries for minigames, lunch at the turn, and lots or prizes! Score Helpers are Available for Purchase: Score Helper package to be announced during event check-in. Welcome to the Make A Wish Foundation Golf Tournament! Held at Wicomico Shores Golf Course on Thursday, August 08th 2024, this event will be family friendly, but open to competitors of all styles and abilities to come show their support for the organization. As always you can expect the usual Above Par unique mini-games on course and included in your entry fee, lots of prizes given away for all skill levels, and Nick's of Calvert grilled sausages, hamburgers, and hotdogs provided throughout the day!