DC/GB Transport Services, LLC

DC/GB Transport Services, LLC


Delivery/Courier Services

About Us

DC/GB Transport Services, LLC is owned and operated by Gary Botts and Dale Champion. Gary and Dale both have over 20 years driving vans and small box trucks. We will target businesses and individuals in need of carrier or small freight services. We are capable of running expedited loads, medical deliveries, same day deliveries, local/regional deliveries, tradeshow freight and short appointment windows. Our vans can provide direct point to point delivery for your freight or property at rates that are much lower than larger equipment like a box truck. With smaller sizes and low loading heights, sprinter vans can handle tight city streets and small facilities with ease making deliveries to these areas quick and efficient.

Our current territory is Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Georgia and Florida.

DC/GB has in place our DOT#, MC#, Commercial Insurance and our TWIC cards.


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