Maryland Veterans Museum at Patriot Park

Maryland Veterans Museum at Patriot Park


MuseumBanquet FacilitiesEducationExhibitsMinority-Owned BusinessNational Park SiteVeteran-Owned Business

About Us

Maryland Veterans Museum at Patriot Park honors veterans from Revolutionary War to the Middle East. The museum has historical artifacts and engaging exhibits. Contact the museum for information on education programs, free lecture series, and hall rentals.
The Maryland Veterans Museum at Patriot Park is a treasure for Southern Maryland and surrounding communities. If you are interested in a fun, family friendly activity, visit the museum.


  • Exhibits
  • Festival and Events
  • Gift shop
  • Facility Rental
  • Brick Memorial


Renee Thompson Flores and Madison Flores working on USO display.
Artest at work.
New additions to the USO Exhibit
USO exhibit with Renee Thompson Flores
USO exhibit with Renee Thompson Flores and Elaine Lawton
LaPlata HS JROTC and Parents
General Michael Williams at the Maryland Veterans Museum
General Williams donating quilt to the museum in front of the President and founding member and JROTC Cadets..
Opening ceremony at the Maryland Veterans Museum
North Point JROTC visiting the War of 1812
North Point JROTC visting John Wilkes Booth
North Point JROTC
Museum Tour
Museum Tour
Museum Tour
Museum Tour
Museum Tour
National Park Service Information Center- Washington Rochambeau Trail